11 research outputs found

    Post-Pandemic Behavior: Continuance Intention of Baby Boomer and X Generation as New Users of Online Shopping Platforms during COVID-19

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has led to an unavoidable surge in the use of digital technology due to social restrictions and lockdowns. Various restrictions on activities during the COVID-19 quarantine period had resulted in many new users of digital services for daily activities and needs, including the elderly generation such as the X Generation and baby boomers, who before the pandemic were often considered as a generation that was difficult to accept technological change. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the baby boomers and X Generation have begun to adopt and use various digital applications, one of which is e-commerce, to make online purchases. With the return to the post-pandemic situation and routine, we wanted to test the continuance intention of X Generation and baby boomers in using e-commerce for online shopping. This study needs to be done since the data shows that the average number of online purchases issued by X Generation and baby boomers is greater than other generations. Unfortunately, the literature and previous research on the post-pandemic behavior of baby boomers and X generation for online shopping activities are still very limited, so this research is expected to contribute to a wider literature. The survey was conducted on 198 people aged 40-76 years who had made online purchases in e-commerce during the COVID-19 pandemic using Structural Equation Modeling

    Digital Entrepreneurship Intention on University Student using Theory of Planned Behavior

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    This research aims to identify factors that influence students' intentions to undertake digital entrepreneurship. The research method used is a quantitative research method, with an instrument in the form of a questionnaire using a 5-point Likert scale measurement. The instrument used consists of 15 question items consisting of the theory of Planned Behavior (9 items), digital entrepreneurial intention (3 items), and entrepreneurial behaviour (3 items). The questionnaire in a Google form was distributed via social media such as Facebook, TikTok and Instagram. There were a total of 376 students who answered the questionnaire. The data obtained was processed with the help of SPSS 27 software and then analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results show that attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioural control are average. Furthermore, there is a significant and simultaneous influence between attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioural control on digital entrepreneurship intention, 52%

    Factors influencing consumer attitudes towards web series content marketing

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    Content marketing is growing and nowadays many companies and brands create short movies/series as their content marketing strategies and this practice is becoming a trend. Unfortunately, there’s a lack of research on short movies/series as a content marketing tool since it is a new trend, previous research for a product/brand in a movie is research on product placement. Thus to fill in the research gap, the present study examines the factors influencing consumer attitudes towards the short movie/series created by a company to shed the light on short movies/series as content marketing. The population in this study is comprised of social media users who have watched short movies/series created by a brand as an ad.  225 respondents were selected using a non-probability sampling and main data were collected through a self-administered online questionnaire which was distributed for Indonesian social media users. Structural equation modeling has been used to analyze the data.  The results indicate that narrative enjoyment and attitudes toward the actor positively affect attitudes toward the short movie/series. Persuasion awareness negatively influences attitudes toward the short movie/series and attitudes toward the brand. Attitudes toward the short movie/series positively affect attitudes toward the brand. These findings are expected to contribute to content marketing literature and are useful to managers, marketers, and business people utilizing online media


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    The Enforcement of Restrictions on Emergency Community Activities (PPKM ) implemented by the government in an effort to overcome the Covid-19 Pandemic has a direct impact on various orders of community life, especially causing a family food security crisis. This is also felt by most of the residents of Anaka Village, Urug Village, Kawalu District, Tasikmalaya City. Kawalu District is the area with the largest cassava production capacity in Tasikmalaya City. Kampung Anaka is one of the centers for cassava production. So far, cassava is only used by selling it directly as a commodity or some of it is consumed in the traditional way, namely steamed or fried. This community service program (PPM) aims to provide knowledge to housewives about entrepreneurship for family economic resilience through the frozen food business. In addition, workshops on making cassava chicken nuggets are also provided. The output of this PPM activity is the formation of a productive economic business group (KUEP) called "WARNA" (Wanoja Rancage Anaka), or Anaka Creative Woman, and also the "KASIMA" as the brand of Chicken Cassava Nugget Product

    Pemanfaatan Sumber Daya Alternatif Untuk Kemandirian Pangan di Kelurahan Gunung Tandala Tasikmalaya

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    Abstract. The implementation of restrictions on social interaction, due to Covid-19, has caused many business sectors to experience difficulties and lay off their employees. The Indonesian Employers' Association (Apindo) noted that the number of workers who were laid off and laid off during the Covid-19 pandemic has so far reached 7 million people, this has a big impact because many people have lost their income in the midst of the food security crisis, especially for workers. Tasikmalaya City embroidery industry. The purpose of this community service program is to provide knowledge and training regarding the use of alternative resources to maintain food independence for people who have lost their jobs in the embroidery industry in Tasikmalaya City. Alternative activities given are simple urban farming and catfish cultivation in buckets. The training methods provided include providing basic knowledge and examples regarding the implementation of simple urban farming and catfish cultivation in buckets. This activity succeeded in increasing their literacy regarding the stability of food independence and understanding the potential market opportunities of this activity. Keywords: alternative resources, urban farming, food self-sufficiency Abstrak. Pemberlakuan pembatasan interaksi sosial akibat Covid-19 menyebabkan banyak sektor usaha mengalami kesulitan dan merumahkan karyawannya. Asosiasi Pengusaha Indonesia (Apindo) mencatat jumlah pekerja yang terkena pemutusan hubungan kerja (PHK) dan dirumahkan di tengah pandemi Covid-19 sejauh ini mencapai 7 juta orang. Hal ini berdampak besar, banyak orang kehilangan pendapatan di tengah krisis ketahanan pangan, khususnya untuk pekerja industri bordir Kota Tasikmalaya. Tujuan dari program pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah memberikan pengetahuan dan pelatihan mengenai pemanfaatan sumber daya alternatif untuk menjaga kemandirian pangan pada masyarakat yang kehilangan pekerjaan di industri bordir Kota Tasikmalaya. Alternatif kegiatan yang diberikan simple urban farming dan budidaya lele dalam ember. Metode pelatihan yang diberikan mencakup pemberian pengetahuan dasar dan contoh mengenai pelaksanaan simple urban farming, serta budidaya lele dalam ember. Kegiatan ini berhasil meningkatkan literasi mereka mengenai stabilitas kemandirian pangan dan memahami peluang pasar potensial. Kata Kunci: sumber daya alternatif, urban farming, kemandirian panga

    Overcoming Challenges through Product Innovation and Entrepreneurial Spirit during VUCA World

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    The global spread of COVID-19, evolving government regulations, diverse external circumstances, and worldwide events such as conflicts or wars have placed businesses in unprecedented volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA). This situation undeniably exerts a significant influence on Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), including local coffee shops. The escalating competition within the industry and the challenges posed by the VUCA environment compel coffee shop entrepreneurs to enhance their competitive capabilities, all while witnessing a rise in the number of local coffee shops during the pandemic. The primary objective of this research was to investigate how entrepreneurial spirit and product innovation impact business performance amid the VUCA environment. The research method used in this study is quantitative methods. The study involved a sample of 51 coffee shop entrepreneurs located in Tasikmalaya and Ciamis as participants. The findings of this research reveal that both entrepreneurial spirit and product innovation have a positive influence on business performance and facilitate businesses in adapting to the challenges posed by the VUCA environment


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    Konsep islamic marketing merupakan salah satu konsep pemasaran yang melibatkan nilai keislaman didalamnya, salah satu strategi dalam islamic marketing adalah islamic branding yakni dengan melibatkan nilai islam dalam strategi branding sebuah merek produk. Dengan mensintesiskan beberapa konsep branding menurut para ahli dan konsep religiosity maka lahirlah sebuah konsep baru dama strategi islamic branding yakni Brand Religiosity Image. Brand religiosity image merupakan kepercayaan konsumen yang tinggi pada merek, karena citra merek tersebut menghasilkan keterkaian spiritual dengan pelanggannya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis faktor-faktor yang menjadi pengukuran brand religiosity image. Survei dilakukan kepada 124 orang konsumen merek produk Wardah yang berusia di atas 18 tahun dan telah menggunakan produk Wardah lebih dari satu tahun. Untuk mengetahui pengukuran dari variabel brand religiosity image pada konsumen produk kosmetik merek Wardah digunakan alat analisis Confirmatory Factor Analysis. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa setiap dimensi yang ditawarkan yakni semiotik dan simbol merek, keunikan merek, halal produk dan merek bernilai keagamaan mampu menjadi faktor-faktor yang mempou penjadi dimensi pengukuran variabel brand religiosity image